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When is it possible to check in/checkout?
Check-in time is from 3 PM.
Checkout time is at 12 o'clock noon, on the day of departure.
Will you be able to charge my credit card at the time of booking?
No, due to security reasons we will not accept payment by credit cards that have not been swiped in our cashier register. You can pre-pay your booking by making a bank transfer. Please contact the hotel for further information.
How far is it to Arlanda airport, Bromma airport, Skavsta airport?
Arlanda airport:  ca 40 km = ca 30 min by taxi
Bromma airport: ca 9 km = ca 20 min by taxi
Skavsta airport: ca 100 km = ca 80 min by taxi
Do you have a luggage room?
Yes, next to the reception and it is available 24 hours, free of charge.
When is the breakfast served?
Weekdays between 6.30–10.00 AM
Weekends between 8.00–11.00 AM
Which is the nearest metro station?
Karlaplan is the closest one. Approximately a three-minute walk from the hotel.
How do I get to Skansen/Djurgården?
You can walk; it takes approximately 25 minutes, or take a bus from Karlaplan to Skansen. It takes about eight minutes. 
Where is the nearest place to buy the tickets for the bus and metro? 
You can buy the ticket down in the metro station Karlaplan at the newsagent Pressbyrån.
Can you help me make printouts?
Yes, we have a printer that guests can use free of charge. Please contact reception for printing paper.
Do you have any parking spaces?
No, not belonging to the hotel, but you can park on the surrounding streets Skeppargatan and Valhallavägen. There is also a parking garage at “Fältöversten” shopping mall.
Is there a gym at the hotel?
No, but there is SATS Stadion, a five minutes walk from the hotel, available for guests looking for a gym in the area. Please contact the reception desk for more information.
Where is the nearest shopping mall?
Fältöversten is only three minutes away from the hotel. 
Are pets allowed in the hotel?
We have a few dog rooms, please call us for further information.
Do you have a wireless network, Wi-Fi, at the hotel?
Yes, free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel.
Is there a sauna at the hotel?
No, not at the hotel. The nearest public sauna is at Sturebadet by Stureplan, metro station Östermalmtorg.   
Where can I exchange money?
You will find a Forex inside the shopping mall Gallerian.
Is there a bar at the hotel?
We offer a selection of alcoholic beverages for consumption in the lobby or in the backyard. There are a lot of nice bars in the area, please contact our staff for recommendations.
How much is a taxi to Arlanda?
There is a fixed rate of 575 SEK from the hotel to Arlanda, when traveling with Airport Cab.
How do I get to the hotel?
Take the Metro, the red line towards “Ropsten” and exit at “Karlaplan” station. Follow the exit sign towards Karlaplan. The hotel is only three minutes away. Please check the map on our website for exact directions.
Are there conference facilities at the hotel?
Not at the hotel. However, should you require a conference room during your stay, please contact the front desk, as we work with some conference centers close by.
BWH(SM) hotels are independently owned and operated. ©2024 Best Western International, Inc.
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